Higher Purpose Podcast 107: Thriving is Possible at Work

The team at One Stone Creative introduced today’s guest, Mike Sipple Jr. to host Kevin Monroe. Mike is the host of the Talent Magnet Institute Podcast, and the owner of a family business focused on helping organizations and leaders become talent magnets. Kevin and Mike meet up to chat about creating a culture of care at work and how to help people thrive.

Listen to the full episode

Creating Cultures Where People Thrive

Our duty as adults, Mike says, is to create environments where all people can thrive. This involves listening and creating empathy. He outlines 6 steps to help people thrive at work. Step 2 is to stop and evaluate your organization’s culture now, from the outside as well as the inside. He defines culture as the thousands of interactions that happen every day in your environment: the way people experience your culture, not the way you talk about it. In step 5 he advises to let TIP (Thoughtful, Intentional, Personal) guide your approach to employee development and retention. 

What is Thriving?

You can know that someone is thriving if they are innately happy in what they’re doing, when their work is contributing to the company's mission as well as their personal life. The better you understand their personal goals, the more you can understand their motives.

Would You Want to Work For You?

The first step in evaluating your culture is to ask yourself, if you were interviewing with you, would you want to work here? Organizations and leaders who care about their people are crushing the competition: when you care about your people, others hear about it and want to work for your organization. Mike shares 3 ways you can evaluate your company culture. Kevin adds that another question to ask yourself is, would you want your children to work here? If the answer is no, Mike advises you to accept it and not excuse it. Be the change.

Caring is Good Business

Caring about your people is the right thing to do but it also makes good business. Research on positive work cultures show a tangible financial impact, including a 400- 500% greater stock price value and greater ROI for those companies who invest in their people. Mike advises leaders to treat their people just like they treat their customers. Kevin adds that the customer experience will never be better than the employee experience.

Successful Leaders

Mike shares 4 characteristics of leaders who love well and who are not afraid to let their people know they care. These leaders are courageous, they believe that people are genuinely good, they care about those that struggle, and they are good communicators. Success in leadership is not just about work, Mike says. He asks leaders, do you have 3 a.m. friends? Would you want your kids to live like you? Real success is also about how you show up personally, in relationships as well as the community. 



Talent Magnet Institute Podcast

Kevin Monroe email: kevin@higherpurposepodcast.com

Kevin Monroe phone: 1-678-744-5111

One Stone Creative


Higher Purpose Podcast 108: Reframing Adversity


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